Adopt Joy

Age: 3 | Sex: Female | Size: Medium Bali dog
About Joy
My sister Ava and I were just a few weeks old when we were abandoned at a local market. Life was tough and dangerous there, especially for young pups like us who were at risk of being stolen or poisoned. Thankfully, the wonderful team at Little Steps Matter heard about our plight and rescued us, taking us to a temporary facility to keep us safe. We were the first dogs to move into the Safe House, where we've been waiting patiently for our forever homes.

I'm a 3-year-old medium-sized Bali dog with a zest for life. My favorite thing in the world is going on long walks along the beach, feeling the sand between my paws and the wind in my fur. I'm an active and playful dog who loves to explore and have fun. I get along great with other dogs and children, making me a perfect addition to a family with an active lifestyle.

I'm not just about fun and games, though. I'm also very loyal and smart. I've learned to be great on a leash and even off-leash, so I'm ready for any adventure that comes our way.
Whether it's hiking, running, or just a leisurely stroll, I'm up for it all as long as I'm with you.